In 2015, a new direction and a new focus in disability advocacy and journalism!

@jazer1985 A happy accident! Yours is a voice that should be heard. :)

Stella Young - February 14th, 2012


Yes I'm trying to become an award winning, respectful freelance journalist ... again!

This wasn’t the first or second time I gone into freelance journalism, because disability and news literacy is not one of the prominent adulthood skills learned at my ‘special school.’ Having your voice listened to was discouraged as nonsense or attention seeking. Many times from childhood up to the last depressing years of my adolescence, composing my inner political, social and systemic opinions and perspectives was not taught at either of the schools I attended. 

So why recycle what was long dead and inconsistent with getting into university learning as a media studies undergraduate in 2012?

From humble beginnings, I was twenty-six when I created this blog. It was originally titled ‘Jazer’s Virtual Paradox.’ This had been my blog’s original identity. Using the words ‘virtual’ and ‘paradox’ after I started devising a way to reduce the onset of social exclusion, felt from the ongoing subsidence of personality balance or imbalance had inflicted a strange experiment to get more friends. Some people at school or at university had not form any social relationship with me, leaving out growth to form professional friendships outside of the academic spectrum.

But ‘Jazer’s Virtual Paradox’ did not slate succession of journalistic brilliance. I faulted on this experiment due to not having concise writing capabilities and fluency to what I expressed as a civilian social, political commentator. Just rewriting the article about the 2012 Logies was a major cringe-fest.

Besides an appetite in writing personal discourses and opinions, I have done mentoring, volunteering and advocacy work through multiply groups and organisations such as Julia Farr Youth, City of Marion, City of Adelaide, Cando4kids, YMCA of SA, SHine SA, United Nations Association of Australia, Youth Affairs Council of SA, Autistic Self Advocacy Network Inc (Australian/New Zealand chapter) and People with Disability Australia

I dream in contributing biting, strongly creditable articles and/or opinion editorials (op-ed) on the following news, social commentary blogging websites:
  • Vine
  • New Matilda
  • The Drum
  • On Line Opinion
  • Crikey
  • The Hoopla
  • Or maybe a Fairfax, News Corp Aust. or ABC online news affiliate

This blog will cover hot pressing, impassionate local, national and a few occasional international pieces on disability orientated stories including:
  • Australian & international disability political discourses
  • Media representation
  • Employment
  • Housing, homelessness and accommodation
  • Crip-centric perspectives (the divide of political correct/incorrect language, ableism)
  • Radio (my journey to becoming the first known radio presenter/DJ with autism)
  • Comedians
  • Disability based events and exhibitions at festivals (Adelaide Fringe, Feast, maybe one day … Mardi Gras & Midsumma)
  • LGBTI-centric perspectives
  • My bore-ish home  and academic lifestyles (+ scopes on boyfriends, family hysterics) 

Above all else, absorb don’t skim out anything from my self-penned opinions, confessions and hypothetical mutterings.

Overall, welcome to my new blog. Love or hate me, you won’t stop clicking on the links.
