Apologises for neglecting this blog but that might change in 2017!

Hi everyone,

A huge apology to those who presumed that I was going to regularly post freshly typed, original content on this blog. Due to real life commitments including getting through my undergraduate degree at the University of Adelaide, I decided to leave it until that workload died off a little.

I have a lot to think over in the next few months of 2017, which might involve integrating more social justice, political and media representational/inclusion activism onto what I post on here for your immediate consumption. 

But 2016 will hold strong significance for what I was able to achieve. I finally became a qualified and fully trained radio broadcaster and producer, with special thanks to the talented training staff at Radio Adelaide. My second achievement was getting onto People with Disability Australia's board of directors after persistently attempting to get on it for the last two years beforehand. Congrats also to Bonnie Millen for being elected as president. You will do such an incredible job in that role for the next two years. 


In the meantime you can re-watch those two news reports from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that I was invited to participate in, where I spoke out and advocated for pro-disability rights and legalities. They are available to view via video on the ABC News website on this page!

© Jenny Scott 2016
