Five facts about Autism Spectrum (Disorder) - But are they factually creditable or non-creditable?

From the United States based pop cultural top ten list series's YouTube channel, here is a top five facts list that details diagnostic, medicinal and social cultural information on what Autism Spectrum (Disorder) is. 

Targeting young millennials with their daily published top ten (or five) comprehensively researched lists, neurodiverse conditions is the latest subject to be cross-examined by the Watchmojo producers and researchers. 

From gender bias, media underrepresentation to the anti-vaccination movement (those families that believe MMR vaccines is the core contagion of their children being 'infected'), this list collates what society at large believes about Autism and how stigma remains to indiscriminately isolate or mistreat those who are apart of our growing multi-faceted, definitely complex community. Watch it and see if anything has been left unmentioned:

So are these facts about the spectrum factually creditable or non-creditable?
